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Graphine is very strong here is why

 Graphine is very strong here is why Sheet of grapheme looks like an atomic scale honey comb It made of pure carbon stacked on top of each other  Its most conductive substance on earth Can be used to make long lasting batteries, faster microchip flexible circuitry implantable biosensor and more Can convert light at any wavelength into current  Because graphene is made of  carbon, carbon atom is covalently bonded to three other carbon at item, which give the material incredible strength Why it conduct electricity? Each carbon atom has four electron in its outer shell but only three of these electrons are shared with neighboring three carbon atom The  remaining electron which called pi electron is free to move

HTTP3 what is it?

 HTTP3 what is it Hyper text transfer protocol is the network protocol used by the world wide web that let you open web page link Purpose of http is to communicate with web server http 2 released in 2015 used pipelining and data compression to make connection faster Http 3 adopted by IETF ( internet engineering task force)  This is the mixture of multiple technology work together to improve both speed and security when accessing information on internet New technology send data more quickly and its less susceptible to error and reduce latency There is built in encryption The Http3 is based on QUIC (quick UDP internet connection) protocol developed by Google How HTTP /3 work it use UDP and not TCP to send data with tcp information packet send via ordered error checkcked and reliable method, if one packet lost during transmission it can bog down the entire process with UDP protocol no ordering or error checking , and its less reliable but quicker, if packet lost application can ask for mi

UTI inatokana na nini na kwanini inawa athiri zaidi wanawake

 UTI inatokana na nini na kwanini inawa athiri zaidi wanawake UTI “maambukizi ya mfumo wa mkojo”, wengine huita “mchafuko wa mkojo” ni maambukizi ya sehemu yoyote ya mfumo wa mkojo , sehemu za mfumo wa mkojo zinazoweza kuathiriwa na maambukizi haya ni figo, yureta, yurethra na kibofu cha mkojo.  Maambukizi ya mrija wa mrija wa kutoleam mkojo “yurethra” huleta athari kama vile kuhisi kuungua wakati wa kukojoa,  kutoa mkojo mchafu “wenye rangi nyeupe”  Maambukizi ya kibofu husababisha maumivu, nyuma ya mgongo, maumivu wakati wa kukojoa na damu kwenye mkojo, maumivu wakati wa kukojoa Maambukizi kwenye figo huweza kusababisha maumivu ya mgongo, homa kali na kutapika Kisababishi cha maambukizi ya mfumo wa mkojo Kisababishi kikuu ni bacteria ambao maranyingi hutokana na uchafu unaotokea kwenye mfumo wa mmen’genyo wa chakula,wadudu hao hupitia mrija wa mkojo na kuweza kusambaa sehemu nyingine za mfumo wa mkojo Kujamiiana pia ni nyia nyingine inayoweza kusambaa kwa maambukizi haya Wanawake wan

Oseltamivir or tamiflu how it works

 Oseltamivir or tamiflu how it works This is antiviral medication Its used to treat and prevent influenza A and influenza B  Its called neuramidase inhibitor, as it inhibit the protein called neuramidase which used by virus to transfer from host to affect other cells

“nimepiga window lakini imeshindwa kumalizia” jinsi gani unaweza ku tatua hii changamoto

 “nimepiga window lakini imeshindwa kumalizia” jinsi gani unaweza ku tatua hii changamoto Fanya yafuatayo Bonyeza “shift” alafu “f1o”  nyezo “au tools” inayoitwa command prompt itafunguka Tumia maandishi “command” zifuatazo  >net user administrator /active:yes >net user administrator mypass >restart kompuyuta yako bila shaka utakua umetatua hilo tatizo Kama imegoma tumia command hizi badala ya hizo za kwanza >cd %win%system32/oobe/ malizia na “eter >msoove   malizia na enter >tengeneza account na weka passwoard >restart computa yako Jaribu kuangalia video hii ya

How vaccine work

 How vaccine work Vaccine prepare the immune system, getting ready to fight the disease causing organism called pathogen To understand how vaccine work we must first understand how our immune response respond to invading pathogen. When a new pathogen enter the body it meet with the body first line of defence the innate division of the body system Innate response is immediate but non specific, fever is one of the sign that the body is figting the disease at this stage If this fails to stop  an infection the adaptive immune system may come to play, this is more effective but it may take may days to activate during which time the person is being sick Adaptive response produce what is so called antibody which specifically bend to a component on a surface of the pathogen labeling it for destruction this componeht is called an antigen ant its the one that has triggered  the production  of antibody against it. The  adaptive response leave the body with a memory of a pathogen so it can react f

Chlorphenamine is chemical found in piriton how it work

 Chlorphenamine is chemical found in piriton how it work Chlor phenamine  is first generation  antihistamine Its used in prevention of symptoms allergic condition such as rhinitis and artiria Its alklylamine and is part of series of antihistamine including pheniramine and its halogenated rerivative Sedative effect are weak  One of ost used antihistamine in small animal veternalry practice Anti depreassant and anti anxiety


Notes za sayansi na teknolojia darasa la nne


  UFAHAMU UGONJWA WA KIFAFA  Huu ni ugonjwa ambao unasabababishwa  na seli zilizopo katika mishipa ya fahamu zilizopo kwenye ubongo kutoa umeme[impulses]  mwingi kuliko kawaida kwenda kwenye misuli na sehemu zingine za mwili, na kusababisha mtu kupata dalili kama vile kuishiwa nguvu, kichwa kuuma, kuchanganyikiwa , mwili kukakamaa na hata kupoteza fahamu. Hali hii hujirudia mara kwa mara. Ifahamike kuwa, aina ya kifafa inayojulikana sana mitaani ni ile ambayo mtu anakakamaa na kupoteza fahamu, japokuwa kuna aina za kifafa ambazo mtu hakakamai wala kupoteza fahamu, kama tutakavyoona hapo baadae. Mwaka 2013 ugonjwa huu uliua zaidi ya watu laki moja duniani, 80% wakiwa waafrika. Mgonjwa huyu huweza kuanguka mara kadhaa kwa mwezi lakini anaweza asianguke kabisa kama anafuata masharti na utaratibu mzuri wa matibabu… *Chanzo cha ugonjwa wa kifafa ni nini?* chanzo kikuu cha ugonjwa huu kwa watu wengi hua hakifahamiki lakini baadhi ya hizi ni moja ya sababu za kuugua kifafa. *Kurithi;* familia

How finger print scanner works

 How finger print scanner works Some scanners rely on light other electricity and still other on sound to map the ridge and valleys of your fingers Capacitive “electronic sensor” are popular in smartphone because they are small, accurate and fast, but optical and ultrasonic techonologies have the advantage of enabling in display scanning Optical fingerprint scanner These work as digital camera It take picture of your finger and sends that picture for processing  The following is general idea 1. The  scanner shines light onto your finger using LED and take picture  2. If pixel value of the photo is too dark or light it adjust exposure and tries again 3. If picture is clear, the image can be processed These scanner used in police station, airplane and secure trace Smartphones use this technology in in display fingerprint scanner (some use optical or ultrasonic sensor) under screen to get image Capacitive fingerprint scanner When you put yourfinger on capacitive scanner It using tin

Kansa ya shingo ya kizazi “cervical cancer”

 Kansa ya shingo ya kizazi “cervical cancer” Hii ni kansa ya seviksi (au shingo ya kizazi) Seviksi ni sehemy ya chini ya tumbo la uzazi  inayo ungana na mlango wa uzazi (uke) Ni kansa inayo athiri wanawake wengi zaidi duniani kuliko kansa zingine za uzazi Lakini kansa hii inaweza kuzuiwa kama itagundulika mapema na pia kuna chanjo ya kuua vijidudu vinavyosababisha kansa hii Seviksi imeundwa na seli za aina mbili : seli za tabaka la juu “squamous cell” na seli za tabaka la chini “grandular cell”  Seli zote hizi zinaweza kuathiriwa na kansa, seli za tabaka la juu “grandular cell” ndizo huathiriwa zaidi Kansa mara nyingi huanza eneo la shingo ya kizazi ambapo aina mbili za seli hizi hukutana “transformation zone” Kirusi aina ya HPV (human papilloma virus) ndicho kisababishi kikuu cha kansa ya kizazi Kuna zaidi ya aina mia moja ya virusi hivi. Lakini asilimia sabini ya kansa ya seviksi husababishwa na aina mbili za virusi vya HPV , aina hizo ni HPV 16  na HPV 18 Protini mbili zinazozalishw

Chaja isiyotumia waya “wireless charger” inafanyaje kazi

  Chaja isiyotumia waya “wireless charger” inafanyaje kazi Bila shaka umekwisha sikia kuhusiana na mfumo mpya wa kuchaji vifaa vya umeme (kama simu, saa, radio, n.k) bila kutumia waya uliounganishwa moja kwa moja Hii ni teknolojia mpya inayokua kwa kasi zaidi katika siku za hivi karibuni hasa inatekelezwa na makampuni ya kutengeneza simu kama vile “apple” kwenye sim zake za Iphone x na Iphone 8, kampuni inayotengeneza simu zenye mfumo wa android ya Samsung pia imetumia mfumo huu kwenye simu zake za galaxy note 8  galaxy s8 na galaxy s7 Kuchaji bila chaja “wireless charging” ni mfumo wa kuchaji vifaa (kwa mfano simu) unao kuwezesha kuchaji kifaa chako bila kuunga waya moja kwa moja kutoka kwenye plagi ya ukutani Kimsingi bado waya unatumika isipokua, kunakua hakuna muunganiko wa moja kwa moja kati ya simu yako na chaja. Chaja zisizotumia waya “wireless chargers” zimatumia mbinu inayoitwa kwa kimombo “magnetic induction” yaani “kuingizwa usumaku” , pia kuna mbinu inayo itwa “magnetic rea


Codes are not case-sensitive. Cheat Code Effect GESUNDHEIT Full health GUNSGUNSGUNS Unlock all weapons IFIWEREARICHMAN Free money TURTOISE (or TORTOISE in version 1.1) Full armor SKINCANCERFORME Set weather to clear CHITTYCHITTYBB Enable flying cars ANICESETOFWHEELS Invisible vehicles BANGBANGBANG Destroy nearby cars CORNERSLIKEMAD Improve handling GIVEUSATANK Spawn Rhino (tank) ILIKEDRESSINGUP Change outfit MOREPOLICEPLEASE Increase Wanted level NOPOLICEPLEASE Decrease Wanted level TIMEFLIESWHENYOU Faster time/gameplay NASTYLIMBSCHEAT Enable graphic gore GTA 3 Fetures Open world game So many cars So many bikes So many missions to enjoy Decent graphic quality Less mb file Graphics card not needed GTA 3 PC minimum requirements 256MB ram 700-800mb storage space Internal video memory 32mb Windows xp(32bit/64bit) Intel dual core processor

Understand between various audio file formats

 Understand between various audio file formats Analog and digital sound Analog waveform is continuous and has successice crest and troughs that represent highs and lows of your voice where as digital waveform is like barchart where highs and lows are represented by number The quality for digital sound wave is linked to its sampling rate cd has a quality of 44100 samples per seconds (44.1khz) which is a quite good representation for our ears Lossless vs lossy These are two kinds of digital audio format Lossless file is made without any losses relative to original track In lossy format some some information that is unnecessary for listeners such as sounds that we cannot hear are discarded Lossless format include wav, falc, aiff and apple lossless Inside lossy format Lossy formats other than the popular mp3 are wma aac mp2 and ogg. The difference between these format is the multiple encoding technology used Other format has variable (vbr) or constant bitrates(cbr) . some format have varia

Siri moja ambayo wajasiriamali pekee wanaijua kuhusu pesa

  Siri moja ambayo wajasiriamali pekee wanafahamu kuhusu pesa Wiki chache zilizopita nilikua na kikao na mfanyabiashara mmoja aliekua akijaribu kunishirikisha ‘mpango wa kibiashara’ nami, baada ya kusikiliza mipango yake niligundua kitu ambacho “si cha kijasiriamali” kwenye mpango wake ambacho kilikua ni “kufanya kazi kwa ajili ya kila shilingi anayo itengeneza” hivi si ambavyo wajasiria mali wa kweli wanavyotengeneza biashara na pesa zao Wafanya kazi wanafanya kazi kwa kila shilingi wanayoitengeneza , wajasiriamali wanatengeneza mifumo inayo wachapishia pesa zaidi ya wanayoifanyia kazi Nita shiriki nawe siri moja ambayo wajasiriamali wanaifahamu kuhusu pesa Fikiria hili madaktari, mainjinia, na wahasibu wanatengeneza pesa nyingi kwa mwezi, lakini lazima wafanyekazi kwa kila shilingi wanayo itengeneza, wanafanya kazi kwa ajili ya kipato cha mwezi kwa hio wanapata pesa kutokana na kuweka masaa mengi kwenye kazi wanazofanya. Hii ndiyo sababu waajiriwa wengi si mitajiri Fikiria kuhusu waj

Vitunza taarifa kwenye kompyuta “storage devices”

 Vitunza taarifa kwenye kompyuta “storage devices” Kompyuta ina aina mbili za memori (a) “primary memory Hii ni memori inayotunza taarifa kwa muda  mfupi , Unapozima kompyuta yako taarifa zilizo tunzwa kwenye memori hii “ram” hufutika moja kwa moja Kwa mfano kama ulifungua programu ya “Microsoft office “ ukawa unaandika kitu , taarifa ya program hio inakua imetunzwa kwenye ramu, kama kompyuta yako itazima ghafla ina maana kila kitu ulicho andika kitafutika Lakini kama ume tunza yaani ume “save” ina maana taarifa itaenda kwenye memori ya kutunzia documenti yaani “secondary storage” ramu, inatunza taarifa za kompyuta pale tu unapokua umewasha kompyuta yako (b) Seconday memory Hii ni memori ya moja kwa moja Hapa tunazungumzia “hard disk” Kila kompyuta inaitaji sehemu ya kutunza taarifa kama vile picha , document na  mfumo endeshi wa kompyuta, kompyuta inahitaji sehemu ya kutunza taarifa hizi kwenye “storage drive” Memori hizi hazifuti taarifa, zitaendelea kutunza taarifa hata kama uta

Jinsi ya kuongeza thamani yako by joel nanauka

 Jinsi ya kuongeza thamani yako by joel nanauka Tutajikita kujifunza namna ya kuongeza thamani katika kile tunachokifanya na zaidi kuongeza thamani kwetu sisi wenyewe. Wewe kama mwanadamu thamani yako inaweza kuongezeka kama una uza bidhaa au una huduma ama una kipaji , unaweza kuongeza thamani yako katika kile unachokifanya na kufanikiwa zaidi Je unafikili thamani ya mtu ina bebwa na nini? Kabla ya kuingia moja kwa moja kwenye somo la jinsi ya kuongeza thamani ni vema uka lijua hili Ningependa kuanza na nukuu “quotation” ninayopenda sana kuitumia inapofika kwenye swala la kuongeza thamani “kwenye ulimwengu wa sasa haulipwi kwa muda unaoutumia bali unalipwa kwa thamani ambayo unaitoa” Hii ni muhimu sana kwa sababu kuna watu wanafikili kwamba ili kufanikiwa zaidi wanaitaji kuongeza muda wa kufanya kazi, kufanya kazi kwa muda mrefu ni muhimu lakini  hilo pekeake halitoshi kukufanya wewe ulipwe zaidi , kwa mfano kuna watu wanafanya kazi mda mrefu sana kama walinzi wanafanya kazi mda mrefu

Understand between various audio file formats

 Understand between various audio file formats Analog and digital sound Analog waveform is continuous and has successice crest and troughs that represent highs and lows of your voice where as digital waveform is like barchart where highs and lows are represented by number The quality for digital sound wave is linked to its sampling rate cd has a quality of 44100 samples per seconds (44.1khz) which is a quite good representation for our ears Lossless vs lossy These are two kinds of digital audio format Lossless file is made without any losses relative to original track In lossy format some some information that is unnecessary for listeners such as sounds that we cannot hear are discarded Lossless format include wav, falc, aiff and apple lossless Inside lossy format Lossy formats other than the popular mp3 are wma aac mp2 and ogg. The difference between these format is the multiple encoding technology used Other format has variable (vbr) or constant bitrates(cbr) . some format have varia

How does in display fingerprint scanning work

 How does in display fingerprint scanning work >its form of biometric recognition Specific part of the screen has a scanning area under it When you place your finger over the scanner, it takes a snapshot of your finger’s pattern with a camera or other sensor It then matches it to the biometric data on your phone If it’s match your phone will instantly unlock >problem of in display scanner is the scanning area is relatively small The scanning process can be instantaneous or very slow. This is likely due to the large differences between the two scanning technologies Optical VS  Utrasonic Optical scanners shine a bright light on your finger (it often appears on screen as an animation. Ittake a picture of your illuminated fingerprint with a camera under the screen and make sure it’s registered, if it is the phone unlock It is faster, depending on software optimization, it found in many midrange device Utrasonic scanner, are better of the two technologies, they uuse ultrasonic sound w

what is Entrepreneruship

   Entrepreneruship accommodate many different schools and  perspectives Entrepeneurship is the creation or extraction of values  Process of designing , launching and running a new business, which is often a small business, or as the “capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage business venture along with any of its risk to make profit” Focus on lauching and running of businesses due to the high risk involved in launching a start up significant proportion of start up business have to close due to lack of funding, bad business decisions an economic crisis, lack of market ddemand or a combination of all these >entity which has the ability to find and act upon opportunities to translate inventions or technologies into product and services > entrepreneur is able to recognize the commercial potential of the invention and organize the capital, talent and other resources that turn an invention into commericial viable innovation Perspectives on entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs


 VITU AMBAVYO SIWEZI KUFANYA KWA KUA MIMI NI MJASIRIAMALI Itend to find some thing that are ridiculous because I am an entrepreneur . below are three things that I cant  do 1. I don’t complain about the economy I don’t know how much cost is for petrol. I have enough money to take care of the important things. If I complain I cant create and if  I cant create I cant be rich. So I wake up every morning thinking about what are the things that I can do to make me more money. I don’t even know the growth of my economy in my contry Your brain work like your eyes. Your eyes cant be able to concentrate on the two thins at a time, just like your eyes your brain cant complain and create at the same time. Complain doen’t have  2.. I don’t consume social media I delete my facebook profile 7 years ago. I have only few friend, I am afraid of social media because its too interesting and addictive. Social media is the tools it can be used to help you or hurt you Why should you wake up and consume

Homa hutokeaje

  Homa hutokeaje Homa ni hali ya wanyama kuwa na halijoto ya mwili juu ya halijoto ya kawaida (37 c katika mamalia) Halijoto ya kawaida ya mwanadamu ni kati y a3. Na 37 sentigredi za selsiasi ikipimwa chini ya ulimi Homa husababishwa na ugonjwa, ni dalili ya kwamba kingmwili inapambana na vijidudu au vijimea vinavyosababisha ugonjwa Fulani. Homa si ugonjwa wenyewe bali ni dalili ya magonjwa mbalimbali. Katika lugha ya kila siku malaria mara nyingi huitwa “homa” ingawa kupanda kwa halijoto ya mwili wakati wa malaria ni dalili ya mapambano dhidi ya vijidudu vya plasmodium tu

Fahamu kuhusu ugonjwa wa fangasi aina ya kandidiasisi

 Fahamu kuhusu ugonjwa wa fangasi aina ya  kandidiasisi Kandidiasisi ni maambukizi ya fangasia au kuvu yanayotokana na aina yoyote ya kandida (aina ya chachu) Maambkizi hayo yanapoathiri kinywa kwa kawaida huitwa kandidiasisi ya kinywa. Ishara na dalili zinajumuihhsa madoa meupe kwenye ulimi au sehemu nyingine za kinywa na koo. Dalili nyingine zinaweza kujumuisha maumivu na matatizo wakati wa kumeza Maambukizi hayo yanapoathiri uke kwa kawaida huitwa maambukizi ya chachu. Ishara na dalili zinajumuisha kujikuna kwenye uke, mwasho na wakati mwingine mchozo mweupe unaofanana na jibini kutoka ukeni. Kwa nadra uume unaweza kuathirika na kusababisha kujikuna. Kwa nadra sana maambukizi hayo yanaweza vamia na kuendea kwenye mwili wote na kusababisha homa pamoja na dalili kulingana na sehemu za mwili zilizoathiriwa Kisababishi Kuna aina 20 za kandida zinazoweza kusababisha maambukizi huku “candida albicans” ikitokea mara nyingi zaidi. Maambukizi ya kinywa hutokea mara nyingi kwa watoto wenye um

Fingerprint “alama ya vidole”inafanyaje kazi

 Fingerprint “alama ya vidole”inafanyaje kazi Watumiaji wengi wa simu wanatumia “vitambuzi vya alama za vidole “sensor za fingerprint:  kwa ajili ya usalama na utambuzi wa mtumiaji wa vifaa vyao. Aina kuu za  vitambuzi vya finger print “fingerprint sensor” zinazotumika leo ni  zile zinazotumia picha “optical sensor” na zile zinazotumia teknolojia ya mguso “capacitive sensor” “scana za mwanga” Optical scanner Hizi zinafanyakazi kwa mwanga kuchukua picha ya kidijitali toka kwenye kidole chako. Chipu zinazoweza gundua mwanga “light sensitive microchip” zinachukua picha ya kidijitali kwa kuangalia vimiinuko na viobndo vidogovidogo kwenye alama zako za kidole, zinazibadilisha picha hizo kuwa mfumo wa 1 na 0 na kutengeneza kodi ya mtu mwenye simu “user personal code” Tatizo la scana za aina hizo ni kwamba picha hio ya kidijitali inaweza kutengenezwa Sense za mguso “capacitive fingerprint sensor”  Hizi zinapatikana zaidi kwenye simu siku hizi Zinafanya kazi kama skrini ya mguso ya simu yako “

Kiharusi ni ugonjwa wa aina gani

  Kiharusi ni ugonjwa wa aina gani Kiharusi (kwa kiingereza stroke) ni ugonjwa unaoleta hali ya mwili kupooza kutokana na matatizo kwenye mishipa ya damu inayolisha ubongo. Katika tiba kiharusi ni upotevu wa uwezo wa ubongo unaoendelea haraka. Sababu ya ugonjwa huo ni tatizo katika mishipa inayopeleka damu kwenye ubongo. Matatizo hayo ni ama kuzibwa ama kupasuka kwa mishipa ya damu. Seli za ubongo hufa haraka zisipopata oksijeni na lishe ya kawaida ambayo yote haya hufika kwa njia ya damu. Kiharusi ni hali ya dharura inayoweza kutibiwa kama tatizo linatambuliwa na kutibiwa haraka. Lisipotibiwa husababisha viwango mbalimbali vya kupooza mwilini Shinikizo la juu la damu, unene, wingi wa kolesteroli ya damu,  mapigo ya moyo yasiyo ya kawaida, kisukari, chakula chenye mafuta mengi na kuvuta sigara huongeza hatari ya kupatwa na kiharusi

How secure digital memory cards work

  How secure digital memory cards work Secure digital (sd) cards are flash memory card that comply with standards set by the SD association. Sd cards conform to standards developed and maintained by the secure Digital Association. Panasonic, SanDisk and Toshiba formed the SD association in January 2000 with the goal of developing and promoting standard for flash memory storage The word flash describe the means in which the data is saved onto the solid state material inside the sd card Here we use the term sd card since we are speaking of a flash memory device that conform to the sd standard and sports the sd association’s trade mark

Betry zinafanyaje kazi

 Betry zinafanyaje kazi Betri zina seli “electrochemical cell” seli hio inaweza kutengeneza chaji hasi na chanya Ndani ya “electochemica cell” kuna sehemu za muhimu zinazosaidia kutengeneza umeme “electrode” matilio yanayofanya seli iwe positive na negative Upande negative”anode na upande chaya ni “cathode” Electrolyte ni  kemicali iliyo kati ya cathode na anode : electrolyte inasaidia chembe za “ion” zenye chaji ku tembea kati ya cathode na anode Kuna “semipermeable separator” sehemua ambayo hutenganisha “electrode” Ukichomeka waya za pembeni unatengeza “external circuit” ambayo itaunganisha taa (kwa mfano) kwenye “cathode” Uki ongeza chaji kweye seli utaanzisha “chemical reaction “kati ya anode na electrolyte hii itasababisha anode kutoa “electron” kwenye anode hizo electron zitasafiri kupitia kwenye sakiti kwenda kwenye “cathode” Ion zilizo ahcwa kwenye anode zita safari na  na kuungana na electorn kwenye cathode


  Operating system:  Windows version of xp and above. RAM : Min. 500mb or above. Processor:  Intel Celeron or above. GPU(optional) : Any dedicated graphics card will work. >>>DOWNLOAD LINK 2<<<   AU >>>DOWNLOAD LINK 3<<<


  SHERIA KWA KISWAHILI   Home   ▼ DOWNLOADS Kabla ya kubofya sheria hizi hapa chini na kudownload, bofya " HOME " hapo juu ili kupata vitabu vingi uvipendavyo, na kuhusu msaada wa sheria unaweza kubofya " PRODUCTS " hapo juu, peruzi blog yote upendavyo utaona mambo mengi yenye faida kwako. mkaribishe na mwingine kupitia blog hii kwani imekuwa ya msaada kwa wengi. BAADA YA HAPO, bofya sheria yeyote hapa chini itatokea katika PDF file ichukue bure! . ACTS  (BOFYA SHERIA HUSIKA ILI KUDOWNLOAD)     1.  THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS IN TANZANIA     2.  The Finance Act 2012 - Parliament of Tanzania     3.  Village Land Act       4. Land Act              5. Rent Restriction Act        6. Penal Code Cap. 16 English version       7. Land Amendment Act 2004 English version       8. Mortgage Financing (Special Provisions )Act      9. PCCA (Sheria ya kupambana na kuzuia Rushwa) ya 2007       10. Law of the Child Act 2009      11. Criminal Procedure Act (English version)      12. Civi