advice from Winston Curchill who want to be successful

 advice from Winston Curchill who want to be successful,

he was British politician , army officer and writer who was prime minister of the United Kingdom form 1940-1945, and again form 1951 to 1955 

As prime minister Churchill lead British in the Second world War, as one of the hero of the 20th century Churchill give good advice which is useful for you if you want to become rich and successful

Let us go to the list of advice from him

#1. Success consist of going from failure to failure without lost of enthusiasm

When I started business I have time to spend my first time achive nothing, these may sound stupid but the truth if if you are not willing to fail again and again you cannot succeed in anything signigicant, the best way to see success is to compare hit with heaven, most people want to go to heaven but nobody want to die

We all want success  but often time success recure that you take risk, try things ,make mistakes and failing, all these are painful to say the list but there is no other ways to heaven except through death as young person you are fortunate because you have a lot of time, energetic and persion, these are precious asset you have to get what you want out of life

Don’t take life easy, don’t wait for perfect time, don’t expect anyone to hand pick you life is all about fighting going from failure to failure without loosing your enthusiasm

#2 You never can tell weather bad luck may after all turn out to be good luck

I know a man who know many years in preson however however few year after that experience , He say thank God I was sent to prison, some how he is learning to be better preason and his imprisonment has open a better opportunity for him

Life could sometime be funny  , you never can tell whether what you are going on is for your good until in your future that why you must keep on beleving in yourself

Don’t blame anyone for your situation, be courageous and fight forward

#3 A persimist see the difficulties in every opportunity and the optiminst sees the opportunity in everty difficulty

 There is the commone story about sales man who went to India to sell shouse, one saw a crown of people without shoes, and says these people can not buy shoues, where another saw the same scene and say “whoa” I will sell shoe to every one of these people  

I see this everytime I saw people complain about every situation while other use the same situation to become better, and successful individual

If you change the way you think you will see opportunity

Nothing in life has meaning except the meaning we give them is what matter most 

You can be born in poverty  and see that as opportunity to be a self made millionaire, and you can be born in richest country and complain about taxation, 

Be an optimistic and everywhere you go will see opportunity

#4 You continuous effort is key to unlocking your potential

When you watch great athlete play what do you think of , when you see great scientist what do you think about them?

When you see successful entrepreneur what do you think about them

Many people think it take talent and luck to be successful but that its not true, 

If talent make people succeed then the world will be filled with success, because talent is as commona s table sault

The courage persistence , continuous effort and determination, is what determine success in the life

#5 I like things to happen and if they don’t happen I make them happen

I have ment many people in my life and its amazing how everyone want things to happen ,all people want someone to help the to be successful either government, parent or economy

The level irresponsibility is high among the nation 

If you want to go far in life you must know how to make things happen

What is your problem right now, who you think will help you, you are responsible for your life no one else 

#6 Success is not final failure is not fatal

Its courage to continue that count

Brian Tracy says “success is the jorney” and I agree

Your yesterday reall doesn’t matter wether you failed yesterday all you were the best yesterday doesn’t matter , what matters is your courage to continue persuing what really mater to you 

#7 You will never get the any of the jorney if you stop to throw stone at every dog that bark

The biggest criticism I ever receive In my life come the time I followed the biggest dream of my life , some how some people think they have the right to tell you what to do with your life , they try to transfer their negativism to them 

How much attention do you give to your destructor how much worries you have about your critics, 

If you wan to become successful in life you must learn how to prove people wrong by your success not your word

 #8 if you are going through hell keep on going

Simple formula to go through hell is keep in going

Dong give up

Problem are like draught they have expire day, if you can indure long enough they will expire and you will win

If you are going through hard time keep on going


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